Research Bibliography
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Effects of microsporidan infection on larval trematodes: infection with Nosema strigeoideae or N. echinostomi. Journal of invertebrate pathology. 22:193-198.
1973. A microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes, Nosema strigeoideae sp. n. Journal of Protozoology. 18:676-679.
1971. Seasonal fluctuations in larval trematode infections in Stagnicola emarginata angulata from Phragmites Flats on Douglas Lake. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 27:11-13.
1960. Studies on a microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes. II. Experimental transmission. Journal of Parasitology. 46:327-336.
1960. Studies on a microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes. I. Prevalence and effect on the parasitized larval trematodes. Journal of Parasitology. 46:317-325.
1960. The production of cercariae by a strigeid mother sporocyst. Journal of Parasitology. 44:289-291.
1958. Variations in infections of Diplostomum flexicaudum (Cort and Brooks, 1928) in small intermediate hosts of different sizes. Journal of Parasitology. 43:221-232.