Research Bibliography
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Studies in the genus Cortinarius, II: Section Dermocybe, new and intereting species from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 11:13-25.
1972. A new Clitocybe from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 9:30-33.
1970. A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum, sections Luteoscabra and Scabra. Michigan Botanist. 7:107-154.
1967. New and noteworthy higher fungi from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 5:18-2?.
1966. A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum, section Leccinum. Michigan Botanist. 5:131-179.
1966. The genus Calvatia in North America. Lloydia. 27:148-186.
1964. Studies on Lactarius. III. The North American species of section Plinthogali. Brittonia. 14:369-440.
1962. Studies on Lactarius-I. The North American species of Sect. Lactarius. Brittonia. 12:119-139.
1960. .
1960. New species of Galerina. Mycologia. 47:557-596.
1955. Additional North American Hygrophori. Sydowia. 8:304-333.
1954. New species of Galerina from North America. Mycologia. 65:892-925.
1953. The North American species of Naematoloma. Mycologia. 43:467-521.