Research Bibliography
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The effect of island size, distance and epicenter maturity on colonization in freshwater protozoan communities. The American Midlands Naturalist. 104:80-92.
1980. The effect of source pool maturity on the process of island colonization: an experimental approach with protozoan communities. Oikos. 35:107-114.
1980. The effects of a sublethal dose of copper sulfate on the colonization rate of freshwater protozoan communities. The American Midlands Naturalist. 104:93-101.
1980. Monitoring of stream pollution using protozoan communities on artificial substrates. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 99:151-160.
1980. Protozoan species accrual on artificial islands in differing lentic and wetland systems. Hydrobiologia. 75:161-178.
1980. Analyzing the Hazard Evaluation Process. International Workshop on the Application of Hazard Evaluation Programs for Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment.
1979. Ecological considerations in reclaiming surface mined lands. Minerals and the Environment. 1:83-89.
1979. Protozoan colonization of artificial substrates. Methods and Measurements of Periphyton Communities: A Review. Special Technical Publication 690:34-57.
1979. A strategy for use of protozoans in the evaluation of hazardous substances. Biological Indicators of Water Quality. :61-67.
1979. Survival of Euglena gracilis exposed to sublethal temperature and hexavalent chromium. Journal of Protozoology. 26:122-125.
1979. Consolidating taxonomic information into a working library. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 97:417-418.
1978. Estimating the Hazard of Chemical Substances to Aquatic Life. Spec. Tech. Publ. 657:278.
1978. The modification of inland waters. Wildlife and America. :146-162.
1978. The role of flagellates in pioneer protozoan colonization of artificial substrates. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii. 25:787-801.
1978. A system for recording and processing taxonomic data. Water Resource Bulletin. 14:1507-1510.
1978. Zooperiphyton (especially protozoa) as indicators of water quality. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 97:44-49.
1978. .
Effects of intermittent chlorination on aquatic organisms and communities. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation. 49:35-44.
1977. Evaluation of natural and artificial substrate colonization by scanning electron microscopy. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 96:506-519.
1977. Factors affecting the number of species in freshwater protozoan communities. Aquatic Microbial Communities. :257-304.
1977. Factors affecting the number of species in freshwater protozoan communities. Aquatic Microbial Communities. :257-304.
1977. Potentiation of zinc stress caused by parasitic infection of snails. Hydrobiologia. 55:225-229.
1977. Survival of Daphnia pulex under thermal stress and sublethal concentration of chromate. Philippine Journal of Biology. 6:47-54.
1977. Aquatic organisms response to severe stress following acutely sublethal toxicant exposure. Water Resource Bulletin. 12:1233-1243.
1976. Colonization of artificial substrates by protozoa: replicated samples. Archiv fur Protistenkunde. 118:259-267.