Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Eggleton FE.  1939.  Fresh-water communities. Paper No. III. Proceedings 1938 Cold Spring Harbor conference on plant and animal communities. The American Midlands Naturalist. 21:56-74.
Steere WCampbell.  1939.  George Elwood Nichols, 1882-1939. The Bryologist. 42:137-142.
Creaser CW.  1939.  A lamprey of the genus Lampetra from Indiana. Copeia. :169.
Thomas LJ.  1939.  Life cycle of a fluke, Halipegus eccentricus n. sp., found in the ears of frogs. Journal of Parasitology. 25:207-221.
Moore GM.  1939.  A limnological investigation of the microscopic benthic fauna of Douglas Lake, Michigan. Ecological Monographs. 9:537-582.
Beaver PC.  1939.  The morphology and life history of Petasiger nitidus Linton (Trematoda: Echinostomidae). Journal of Parasitology. 25:269-276.
Beaver PC.  1939.  The morphology and life history of Psilostomum ondatrae Price, l931 (Trematoda: Psilostomidae). Journal of Parasitology. 25:383-393.
Lawler H.J.  1939.  A new cestode, Cylindrotaenia quadrijugosa n. sp. from Rana pipiens, with a key to the Nematotaeniidae. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 58:73-77.
Hyman LH.  1939.  North American Rhabdocoela and Alloeocoela - IV. Mesostoma macropenis, new species, from Douglas Lake, Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 21:646-650.
W. Frohne C.  1939.  Observations on the biology of three semiaquatic lacustrine moths. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 58:327-348.
DeGiusti DL.  1939.  Preliminary note on the life cycle of Leptorhynchoides thecatus, an acanthocephalan parasite of fish. Journal of Parasitology. 25:180.
Eggleton FE.  1939.  Role of the bottom fauna in the productivity of lakes. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 10:123-131.
Cort WWalter.  1939.  Schistosome dermatitis, a public health problem in the United States. Volumen Jubilare Pro Professor Sadao Yoshida. 2:101-107.
W. Frohne C.  1939.  Semiaquatic Hymenoptera in north Michigan lakes. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 58:228-240.
Creaser CW, Gorbman A.  1939.  Species specificity of the gonadotropic factors in vertebrates. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 14:311-331.
Creaser CW, Shcolnek M.  1939.  Specificity within the Amphibia of pituitary gonadotropic factors derived from Amphibia. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 24:85-94.
Herber EC.  1939.  Studies on the biology of the frog amphistome, Diplodiscus temperatus Stafford. Journal of Parasitology. 25:189-195.
Cort WWalter, Brackett S, McMullen DB.  1939.  A study of larval trematode infections in Helisoma campanulatum smithii (Baker) in the Douglas Lake region, Michigan. Journal of Parasitology. 25:19-22.
Cagle FR.  1939.  A system of marking turtles for future identification. Copeia. :170-173.
Drum M.  1939.  Territorial studies on the Eastern Goldfinch. The Wilson Bulletin. 51:69-77.
Welch PSmith.  1939.  Vertical distribution of summer temperature in the false bottoms of certain Michigan bog lakes. Ecology. 20:38-46.