Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
The University of Michigan Biological Station. The Collecting Net. 6:169-173.
1931. Aspen association in northern lower Michigan. Botanical Gazette. 90:233-259.
1930. Bryophytes of southeastern Oklahoma I. A preliminary list with notes. The Bryologist. 33:45-55.
1930. Further studies of the eggs and young of the eastern ring-neck snake, Diadophis punctatus edwardsii. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America. 4
1930. Growth rate of the Spotted Sandpiper chick with notes on nesting habits. Bird-Banding. 1:1-12.
1930. The incidence, pathogenicity and transmission of Leucocytozoon anatis of ducks. Journal of Parasitology. 17:112(Abstr.
1930. The life history of two North American frog lung flukes. Journal of Parasitology. 16:207-212.
1930. Life-histories of Michigan Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 11:399-424.
1930. A limnological study of the profundal bottom fauna of certain fresh-water lakes. Doctor of Philosophy:219pp..
1930. Notes on the cocooning habits of Gyrinus. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 3:64-66.
1930. Notes on the life history of Haplobothrium globuliforme Cooper, a tape worm of Amia calva L. Journal of Parasitology. 16:140-145.
1930. Observations of the nesting activities of the hermit thrush. Bird-Banding. 1:72-77.
1930. The phenological procession in North American wild roses in relation to the polyploid series. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 11:137-150.
1930. The Phyllopoda of Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 11:381-388.
1930. Regeneration in some American mosses. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 11:225-241.
1930. Relation betweeen age and diameter in trees of the primeval northern hardwood forest. Journal of Forestry. 28:395-398.
1930. Relative importance of hydrogen-ion concentration, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and carbon-dioxide tension, on habitat selection by brook-trout. Ecology. 11:246-262.
1930. Rhigonema nigella spec. nov., a nematode and its plant commensal, Enterobrus sp? from the milliped Journal of Parasitology. 17:30-34.
1930. Studies on the trematode family Strigeidae (Holostomidae). No. XX. Paradiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 49:140-153.
1930. Studies on the trematode family Strigeidae (Holostomidae). XXI. Life-cycle and description of the cercaria of Cotylurus michiganensis (LaRue). Journal of Parasitology. 16:224-230.
1930. University of Michigan Biological Station. 36:pp.737,747-748.
1930. An unusual nest of Vespula (Dolichovespula) arenaria Fabr. (=V. diabolica de Saussure). (Hym.: Vespidae.). Entomological News. 41:329-330.
1930. Work in parasitology at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Science. 72:458-459.
1930. Additions to the list of birds of the Douglas Lake region. The Wilson Bulletin. 41:249-250.
1929. The asexual cycle in Leucocytozoon anatis. Journal of Parasitology. 15:178-182.