Research Bibliography
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Long-term introgression of crop alleles in weed populations. February:3pp..
2011. Invasive Species. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. :181-187.
2010. Long-term persistence of crop alleles in weedy populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). New Phytologist. 186:537-548.
2010. Species-specific SSR alleles for studies of hybrid cattails (Typha latifolia x T. angustifolia; Typhaceae) in North America. American Journal of Botany. 97:2061-2067.
2010. Can feral weeds evolve from cultivated radish (Raphanus sativus, Brassicaceae)? American Journal of Botany. 96:498-506.
2009. When divergent life histories hybridize: insights into adaptive life-history traits in an annual weed. New Phytologist. 184:806-818.
2009. Radish dedomestication (Raphanus sativus: Brassicaceae) - will gene flow assist the evolution of feral weeds? American Journal of Botany. 96:1-10.
2008. Rapid evolution in crop-weed hybrids under artificial selection for divergent life histories. Evolutionary Applications. 2:172-186.
2008. Competition alters life history and increases the relative fecundity of crop-wild radish hybrids (Raphanus spp.). New Phytologist. 173:648-660.
2006. .
2006. Can feral radishes become weeds? Crop Ferality and Volunteerism. :193-208.
2005. Genetically engineered organisms and the environment: current status and recommendations. Ecological Applications. 15:377v404.
2005. Fitness of hybrids between weedy and cultivated radish: implications for weed evolution. Ecological Applications. 11:934-943.
2001. Heritable variation in stomatal responses to elevated CO2 in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany. 85:253-258.
1998. Pollinator preferences and the persistence of crop genes in wild radish populations (Raphanus raphanistrum, Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany. 85:333-339.
1998. The timing and effectiveness of sequential pollinations in Hibiscus moscheutos. Oecologia. 105:230-235.
1996. Genotype-specific effects of elevated CO2 on fecundity in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). Oecologia. 97:100-105.
1994. Differential pollen-tube growth rates and nonrandom fertilization in Hibiscus moscheutos (Malvaceae). American Journal of Botany. 78:1419-1426.
1991. Pollen vigour and the potential for sexual selection in plants. Nature. 352:796-797.