Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Lersten NR, Curtis JD.  1977.  Anatomy and distribution of secretory glands and other emergences in Tofieldia (Liliaceae). Annals of Botany. 41:879-882.
Jr. JCairns.  1977.  Aquatic Microbial Communities.
Southwick EE.  1977.  Aspects of an interrupted incubation by the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Jack Pine Warbler. 55:59-62.
Eisenreich S.J, Emmling P.J, Beeton A.M.  1977.  Atmospheric loading of phosphorus and other chemicals to Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 3:291-304.
Bundy D, C. Tracy R.  1977.  Behavioral response of American toads (Bufo americanus) to stressful thermal and hydric environments. Herpetologica. 33:455-458.
Snider JA.  1977.  Chromosome studies of some mosses of the Douglas Lake region. IV. Michigan Botanist. 16:51-55.
Southern WEdward.  1977.  Colony selection and colony site tenacity in Ring-billed Gulls at a stable colony. The Auk. 94:469-478.
Southern WEdward.  1977.  Development of a gull management plan for South Manitou. :408-409.
Tenhunen JD, Weber JA, Filipek LH, Gates DM.  1977.  Development of a photosynthesis model with an emphasis on ecological applications. III. Carbon dioxide and oxygen dependencies. Oecologia. 30:189-207.
Beiswenger REdwin.  1977.  Diel patterns of aggregative behavior in tadpoles of Bufo americanus, in relation to light and temperature. Ecology. 58:98-108.
Dickson KL, Jr. JCairns, Gregg BC, Messenger DI, Plafkin JL, van der Schalie WHenry.  1977.  Effects of intermittent chlorination on aquatic organisms and communities. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation. 49:35-44.
Jr. WHerb Wagne, Thompson PW, Churchill J.A, Case F.W, Bourdo E.A, Beaman J.H, Voss EG.  1977.  Endangered, threatened, and rare vascular plants in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 16:99-110.
Fairchild GWinfield, Stemberger RS, Epskamp LC, Debaugh HA.  1977.  Environmental variables affecting small-scale distributions of five rotifer species in Lancaster Lake, Michigan. Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie. 62:511-521.
Jr. RWPaul, Kuhn DL, Plafkin JL, Jr. JCairns, Croxdale JG.  1977.  Evaluation of natural and artificial substrate colonization by scanning electron microscopy. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 96:506-519.
Lane DM.  1977.  Extent of vegetative reproduction in eleven species of Sphagnum from northern Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 16:83-89.
Jr. JCairns, Jr. WHYongue.  1977.  Factors affecting the number of species in freshwater protozoan communities. Aquatic Microbial Communities. :257-304.
Schoen DJ.  1977.  Floral biology of Diervilla lonicera (Caprifoliaceae). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 104:234-240.
Paterson RA.  1977.  Lacustrine fungal communities. Aquatic Microbial Communities. :399-415.
Thieret JW.  1977.  Life-forms in the Michigan flora. Michigan Botanist. 16:27-33.
Fuller DR, Stemberger RS, Gannon JEdward.  1977.  Limnetic rotifers as indicators of trophic change. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 93:104-113.
Istock CAlan.  1977.  Logistic interaction of natural populations of two species of waterboatmen. The American Naturalist. 111:279-287.
C. Tracy R.  1977.  Minimum size of mammalian homeotherms: role of the thermal environment. Science. 198:1034-1035.
Stemberger RS, Gannon JEdward.  1977.  Multivariate analysis of rotifer distributions in Lake Huron. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih. Ergebn. Limnol.. 8:38-42.
Jr. FKSparrow.  1977.  Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. XXVI. Physoderma gerhardti Schroeter on Phalaris arundinacea L. Archives of Microbiology. 114:241-247.
Stockwell JE, Gannon JEdward.  1977.  Observations on the winter ecology of Red Fox (Vulpes fulva) on South Manitou Island, Michigan. :22pp..