Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Lee TN, Snow AA.  1998.  Pollinator preferences and the persistence of crop genes in wild radish populations (Raphanus raphanistrum, Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany. 85:333-339.
Hamze SIssami.  1998.  Population demography and seed and seedling ecology of the Great Lakes endemic, Pitcher’s Thistle (Cirsium pitcheri, Asteraceae). Master of Science:114pp..
Lichter JPaul.  1998.  Primary succession and forest development on coastal Lake Michigan sand dunes. Ecological Monographs. 68:487-510.
Rea AWinona.  1998.  The processing of mercury in forested ecosystems. Doctor of Philosophy:126pp..
Lichter JPaul.  1998.  Rates of weathering and chemical depletion in soils across a chronosequence of Lake Michigan sand dunes. Geoderma. 85:255-282.
Lussenhop J, Treonis A, Curtis PS, Teeri JA, Vogel CS.  1998.  Response of soil biota to elevated atmospheric CO2 in poplar model systems. Oecologia. 113:247-251.
Keller TAllen, Ruman LC.  1998.  Short-term crayfish effects on stream algae and invertebrates. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 13:97-104.
W. Kerfoot C, Newman R.M, III ZHanscom.  1998.  Snail reaction to watercress leaf tissues: reinterpretation of a mutualistic ’alarm’ hypothesis. Freshwater Biology. 40:201-213.
Barnthouse LW, Biddinger GR, Cooper WE, Fava JA, Gillett JH, Holland MM, Yosie TF.  1998.  Sustainable Environmental Management. Pellston Workshop on Sustainability-Based Environmental Management: 25-31 August 1993.
Giroux PY.  1998.  Testing the "cold pocket" hypothesis: oviposition preference in the Canadian tiger swallowtail, Papilio canadensis. Master of Science:99pp..
Warren-Hicks WJ, Moore DRJ.  1998.  Uncertainty in Ecological Risk Assessment. Pellston Workshop on Uncertainty Analysis in Ecological Risk Assessment: 23-28 August 1995.
Bigelow D.S, Slusser J.R, Beaubien A.F, Gibson J.H.  1998.  The USDA ultraviolet radiation monitoring program. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 79:601-615.
Pregitzer KS, Laskowski MJ, Burton AJames, Lessard VC, Zak DR.  1998.  Variation in sugar maple root respiration with root diameter and soil depth. Tree Physiology. 18:665-670.
Cuthbert FJean.  1998.  Wildlife issues on Great Lakes islands. State of the Great Lakes Islands: Proceedings from the 1996 U.S.-Canada Great Lakes Island Workshop, pp. . Dept. of Resources Dev., Mich. St. U., East Lansing, Mich.. :47-51.
Lichter JPaul.  1997.  AMS radiocarbon dating of Lake Michigan beach-ridge and dune development. Quaternary Research. 48:137-140.
Heinen JThomas, Hammond G.  1997.  Antipredator behaviors of newly metamorphosed green frogs (Rana clamitans) and leopard frogs (R. pipiens) in encounters with eastern garter snakes (Thamnophis s. sirtalis). The American Midlands Naturalist. 137:136-144.
Rea AWinona, Keeler GJ.  1997.  Atmospheric deposition and foliar leaching of trace elements in throughfall. 40th Conference on Great Lakes Research.
C. Hellquist E, Crow GE.  1997.  The bryophyte and vascular flora of Little Dollar Lake peatland, Mackinac County, Michigan. Rhodora. 99:195-222.
Francis DRuth.  1997.  Bryozoan statoblasts in the recent sediments of Douglas Lake, Michigan. Journal of Paleolimnology. 17:255-261.
Powell ANeva, Cuthbert FJean, Wemmer LChristine, Doolittle AW, Feirer ST.  1997.  Captive-rearing piping plovers: developing techniques to augment wild populations. Zoo Biology. 16:461-477.
Blankespoor HD.  1997.  Classroom atmosphere: a personal inventory. Inspiring Teaching. :24-33.
Jules ES, Dietsch TV.  1997.  Dangers in dividing conservation biology and agroecology. Conservation Biology. 11:1272-1273.
Kubiske ME, Pregitzer KS.  1997.  Ecophysiological responses to simulated canopy gaps of two tree species of contrasting shade tolerance in elevated CO2. Functional Ecology. 11:24-32.
Burton AJames, Zogg GP, Pregitzer KS, Zak DR.  1997.  Effect of measurement CO2 concentration on sugar maple root respiration. Tree Physiology. 17:421-427.
Reitz S.R, Karowe DN, Diawara M.M, Trumble J.T.  1997.  Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on the growth and linear furanocoumarin content of celery. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 45:3642-3646.