Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Relationships between algae and bacteria in stream ecosystems and the role of environmental factors. Doctor of Philosophy:113pp..
1999. The reponse of benthic algae to manipulations of light in four acidic lakes in northern Michigan. Hydrobiologia. 394:69-81.
1999. On research and entomological education III: firefly brachyptery and wing "polymorphism" at Pitkin marsh and watery retreats near summer camps (Coleoptera: Lampyridae; Pyropyga). Florida Entomologist. 82:165-179.
1999. Resource stress alters hydrological disturbance effects in a stream periphyton community. Oikos. 85:95-108.
1999. Seasonal change in phosphorus content of Pinus strobus–Cenococcum geophilum ectomycorrhizae. Mycologia. 91:742-746.
1999. An apparatus for individually isolating large numbers of snails. Journal of Parasitology. 84:165-167.
1998. Burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) of the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin: species diversity, population density and body size. Great Lakes Entomologist. 31:85-95.
1998. Cessation of breeding in the multi-brooded House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). International Studies on Sparrows. 25:3-30.
1998. Comparative analysis of landscape ecosystems and comparison of breeding bird communities of the University of Michigan Biological Station, northern lower Michigan. Master of Science:145pp..
1998. Drought reduces root respiration in sugar maple forests. Ecological Applications. 8:771-778.
1998. Ecological Risk Assessment Decision-Support System: A Conceptual Design. Pellston Workshop on Ecological Risk Assessment Modlering: 23-28 August 1995. :120pp..
1998. Effects of ambient ultraviolet radiation on littoral periphyton: biomass accrual and taxon-specific responses. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 13:29-37.
1998. The effects of pH and light on periphyton communities in a Michigan wetland. Master of Science:48pp..
1998. Environmental stress effects on vigor, mortality, and growth in northern hardwood forests along a pollution-climate gradient. The Michigan Academician. 30:27-47.
1998. The epidemiology of cercarial dermatitis and its association with limnological characteristics of a northern Michigan lake. Journal of Parasitology. 84:19-23.
1998. .
1998. Growth and C allocation of Populus tremuloides genotypes in response to atmospheric CO2 and soil N availability. New Phytologist. 140:251-260.
1998. A habitat matrix conceptual model for stream periphyton. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 143:21-56.
1998. Heritable variation in stomatal responses to elevated CO2 in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany. 85:253-258.
1998. A meta-analysis of elevated CO2 effects on woody plant mass, form, and physiology. Oecologia. 113:299-313.
1998. Microform bed clusters as refugia for periphyton in a flood-prone headwater stream. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 32:363-374.
1998. Natural Danger Signals. Winter 1998:30-33.
1998. New record for the endangered crawling water beetle, Brychius hungerfordi (Coleoptera: Haliplidae) in Michigan including water chemistry data. Great Lakes Entomologist. 31:137-139.
1998. Periphyton development in three valley segments of a New Zealand grassland river: test of a habitat matrix conceptual model within a catchment. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie. 143:147-177.
1998. Physiological responses of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) to infection with Capillaria hepatica (Nematoda). Journal of Parasitology. 84:1112-1118.