Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Gannon JEdward, Gold AJ, Magee C, F. Bricker J.  1985.  Melding technical information with community effort–a watershed council’s role in water quality protection. Lake and Reservoir Management: Practical Applications, Proceedings of the 4th Annnnual Conference & International Symposium. :325-330.
Voss EG.  1985.  Michigan Flora Part II. Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin and University of Michigan Herbarium. 59:724.
Pratt JR, Jr. JCairns, Meier K..  1985.  Migration of species during early colonization. The American Midlands Naturalist. 113:92-101.
Jr. JCairns, Pratt JR.  1985.  Multispecies toxicity testing using indigenous organisms - a new, cost-effective approach to ecosystem protection. 1985 TAPPI Environmental Conference. :149-159.
Uglem GL, Lewis MC, Larson O.R.  1985.  Niche segregation and sugar transport capacity of the tegument in digenean flukes. Parasitology. 91:121-127.
Voss EG.  1985.  Nomenclatural notes on some Michigan dicots. Michigan Botanist. 24:117-124.
Pringle CMann.  1985.  Nutrient heterogeneity and the maintenance of species diversity: periphyton response to substratum and water enrichment in a nutrient-poor stream. Doctor of Philosophy:150pp..
Barnes BVerne, Pregitzer KS.  1985.  Occurrence of hybrids between bigtooth and trembling aspen in Michigan. Canadian Journal of Botany. 63:1888-1890.
Wcislo WT, Low BS, Karr CJ.  1985.  Parasite pressure and repeated burrow use by different individuals of Crabro (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae; Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Sociobiology. 1:115-126.
Waldbauer GP, LaBerge W.E.  1985.  Phenological relationships of wasps, bumblebees, their mimics and insectivorous birds in northern Michigan. Ecological Entomology. 10:99-110.
Pellmyr O.  1985.  The pollination biology of Actaea pachypoda and A. rubra (including A. erythrocarpa) in northern Michigan and Finland. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 112:265-273.
Jr. JCairns, Pratt JR, Niederlehner B.R.  1985.  A provisional multispecies toxicity test using indigenous organisms. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 13:316-319.
Blumer LSteven.  1985.  Reproductive natural history of the brown bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus in Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 114:318-330.
Blankespoor HD, Jr. JCairns, Cameron SC.  1985.  Resistance of pulmonate snail populations to repeated treatments of copper sulfate. Environmental Management. 9:455-458.
Jr. HJCarrick.  1985.  The response of Lake Michigan benthic algae to an in situ nutrient manipulation. Master of Science:86pp..
Blumer LSteven.  1985.  The significance of biparental care in the brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 12:231-236.
Smith EP, Stewart PM, Jr. JCairns.  1985.  Similarities between rarefraction methods. Hydrobiologia. 120:167-170.
Rogerson CT, Samuels GJ.  1985.  Species of Hypomyces and Nectria occurring on discomycetes. Mycologia. 77:763-783.
Sakai AK, Roberts MRichard, Jolls CL.  1985.  Successional changes in a mature aspen forest in northern lower Michigan: 1974-1981. The American Midlands Naturalist. 113:271-282.
Winnell MH, White DS.  1985.  Trophic status of southeastern Lake Michigan based on the Chironomidae (Diptera). Journal of Great Lakes Research. 11:540-548.
Gates DM.  1985.  The University of Michigan Biological Station 1909 - 1983.
Gates DM.  1985.  The University of Michigan Biological Station 1909 - 1983. :1-116.
Sharik TL, Ford RH, Heinen JThomas.  1985.  On the use of an age sequence of stands to determine successional patterns in pine-hardwood forests of northern lower Michigan. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 66:268(Abstr.
Gannon JEdward, Weber PG.  1985.  Using bird feeders for wintertime ecological instruction. Journal of College Science Teaching. 14:251-255.
Sargent KW.  1985.  Wetland values: benefits of wetland preservation in Michigan. :39pp..