Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Changes in benthic algal community structure following an unpredictable stream-wide desiccation event. Master’s of Science:64pp..
2009. Chemosensory signals in stream habitats: implications for ecological interactions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 28(3):560-571.
2009. Climate-induced changes in the small mammal communities of the Northern Great Lakes Region. Global Change Biology. 15:1434-1454.
2009. Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to net primary productivity in a northern hardwood forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39:1108-1118.
2009. Dissolved organic matter from elevated-CO 2 detritus and its impact on the orientation of crayfish ( Orconectes virilis ) to a fish food source. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 28(3):638-648.
2009. Evolution and life-history correlates of female song in the New World blackbirds. Behavioral Ecology. 20:967-977.
2009. Experimental assessment of the impacts of northern long-eared bats on ovipositing Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes. Journal of Medical Entomology. 46:1037-1044.
2009. Factors Affecting the Distribution of Wild Rice (Zizania palustris) and the Associated Macrophyte Community. Wetlands. 29:724-734.
2009. Fluxes and chemistry of nitrogen oxides in the Niwot Ridge, Colorado, snowpack. Biogeochemistry. 95:115-130.
2009. Impacts of elevated N inputs on north temperate forest soil C storage, C/N, and net N-mineralization. Geoderma. 153:231-240.
2009. In-situ laser induced fluorescence detection and modeling of formaldehyde above a forest canopy. Doctor of Philosophy:190pp..
2009. Large herbivores and aquatic-terrestrial links in southern boreal forests. Journal of Animal Ecology. 78:338-345.
2009. The lifelong impact of the research vessel Naiad. Inland Seas. 65:101-114.
2009. Litter drives ecosystem and plant community changes in cattail invasion. Ecological Applications. 19:398-412.
2009. Measurement of atmospheric sesquiterpenes by proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions. 2:99-112.
2009. The MODIS (Collection V005) BRDF/albedo product: Assessment of spatial representativeness over forested landscapes. Remote Sensing of Environment. 113:2476-2498.
2009. Molecular systematics of the avian schistosome genus Trichobilharzia (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) in North America. Journal of Parasitology. 95:941-963.
2009. New Hybrid Combinations Revealed by Molecular Analysis: The Unknown Side of North American Pondweed Diversity (Potamogeton). Systematic Botany. 34:625-642.
2009. A numerical study of turbulence, dispersion, and chemistry within and above forest canopies. Doctor of Philosophy:222pp..
2009. An overview of autonomous underwater vehicle research and testbed at PeRL. Marine Technology Society Journal. 43:33-47.
2009. Passerine Breeding and Post-Fledgling Habitat Use in Riparian and Upland Temperate Forests of the American Midwest. The Condor. 111:756-762.
2009. Patterns of Environmental Change Associated with Typha x glauca Invasion in a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland. Wetlands. 29:964-975.
2009. Plant Responses To A Changing Atmosphere: The Influence Of Exposure To Multiple Gases. Doctor of Philosophy:142.
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