Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Helmich DE.  1963.  Pollen morphology in the maples (Acer L.). Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 48:151-164.
Brooks TE, Kowalski DJ.  1963.  A preliminary survey of the myxomycetes of Emmet and Cheboygan Counties. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 48:131-136.
Edgar ALee.  1963.  Proprioception in the legs of phalangids. The Biological Bulletin. 124:262-267.
Eriksen CHedman.  1963.  The relation of oxygen consumption to substrate particle size in two burrowing mayflies. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 40:447-453.
Eriksen CHedman.  1963.  Respiratory regulation in Ephemera simulans Walker and Hexagenia limbata (Serville) (Ephemeroptera). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 40:455-467.
Ludwig JPinson.  1963.  Return of herring gulls to natal colony. Bird-Banding. 34:68-72.
Sharp AJ.  1963.  Review. Index Hepaticarum by C.E.B. Bonner. Pars II l962 and Pars III 1963. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 90:418-419.
Lotan JE, Zahner R.  1963.  Shoot and needle responses of 20-year-old red pine to current soil moisture regimes. Forest Science. 9:497-506.
Beer RE.  1963.  Social parasitism in the Tarsonemidae, with description of a new species of tarsonemid mite involved. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 56:153-160.
Mazzer SJ, Sharp AJ.  1963.  Some moss reports for Michigan. The Bryologist. 66:68-69.
Sharp AJ, Mazzer SJ.  1963.  Some moss reports for Michigan. The Bryologist. 66:68-69.
Jr. JLTate.  1963.  Tree Swallow nesting in Martin colony. The Wilson Bulletin. 75:278.
Stockard AH.  1963.  The University of Michigan Biological Station. American Zoologist. 3:331-333.
Jr. REFarmer.  1963.  Vegetative propagation of aspen by greenwood cuttings. Journal of Forest Science. 61:385-386.
Jr. REFarmer.  1962.  Aspen root sucker formation and apical dominance. Forest Science. 8:403-410.
Heatwole HFranklin, Davis DM, Wenner AM.  1962.  The behavior of Megarhyssa, a genus of parasitic hymenopterans (Ichneumonidae: Ephialtinae). Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie. 19:652-664.
Bevis FB.  1962.  Corticolous bryophyte and lichen communities on American beech (Fagus grandifolia) in northern Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 1:37-42.
Jr. REFarmer.  1962.  Depth and diameter of the parent roots of aspen root suckers. Michigan Forestry. 23:4pp..
Legault RO.  1962.  The early embryology of teleosts with special reference to Percina caprodes, Brachydanio rerio, and Osmerus mordax. Doctor of Philosophy:110pp..
Heatwole HFranklin.  1962.  Environmental factors influencing local distribution and activity of the salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Ecology. 43:460-472.
Saunders GW, Bachmann RWerner, Trama FB.  1962.  Evaluation of a modified C14 technique for shipboard estimation of photosynthesis in large lakes.
Kempinger J.  1962.  Habitat of the Cisco, Coregonus artedii (Lesueur) in inland lakes of Michigan. Master of Science in Fisheries:24pp..
Jr. OSewall Pet.  1962.  Hawk migrations around the Great Lakes. 64:44-45,49.
Hough JL.  1962.  Lake Stanley, a low stage of Lake Huron indicated by bottom sediments. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 73:613-620.
Jr. JHOliver.  1962.  A mite parasitic in the cocoons of earthworms. Journal of Parasitology. 48:120-123.