Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Winnell MH, White DS.  1986.  The distribution of Heterotrissocladius oliveri Saether (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Lake Michigan. Hydrobiologia. 131:205-214.
Jolls CL.  1986.  Ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant breeding systems: Silene vulgaris (the bladder campion). Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 102:173(Abstr.
McCormick PV, Pratt JR, Jr. JCairns.  1986.  Effect of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol on the structure and function of protozoan communities established on artificial substrates. Community Toxicity Testing. Special Technical Publication 920:224-240.
Lyon JGrimson, Drobney RD, Jr. CEOlson.  1986.  Effects of Lake Michigan water levels on wetland soil chemistry and distribution of plants in the Straits of Mackinac. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 12:175-183.
Blumer LSteven.  1986.  The function of parental care in the brown bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus. The American Midlands Naturalist. 115:234-238.
Wyngaard GA.  1986.  Genetic differentiation of life history traits in populations of Mesocyclops edax (Crustacea: Copepoda). The Biological Bulletin. 170:279-295.
Wyngaard GA.  1986.  Heritable life history variation in widely separated populations of Mesocyclops edax (Crustacea: Copepoda). The Biological Bulletin. 170:296-304.
Southern WEdward.  1986.  Histoplasmosis associated with a gull colony: health concerns and precautions. Colonial Waterbirds. 9:121-123.
Wcislo WT.  1986.  Host nest discrimination by a cleptoparasitic fly, Metopia campestris (Fallen) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Miltogramminae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 59:82-88.
Hayes FE.  1986.  Intraspecific kleptoparasitism and aggression in the Midland painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society. 22:175-177.
Evans MS.  1986.  Lake Huron rotifer and crustacean zooplankton, April-July, 1980. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 12:281-292.
Gannon JEdward, Gold AJ, Pelz DC.  1986.  Lake profiles: tailoring lake and watershed data for local water quality protection. Proceedings of the International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society. 2:199-203.
Fincke OMargaret.  1986.  Lifetime reproductive success and the opportunity for selection in a nonterritorial damselfly (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Evolution. 40:791-803.
Boose DLawrence.  1986.  Long-term changes in soil chemistry with forest succession. Master of Science:87pp..
Scheiner SM, Teeri JA.  1986.  Microhabitat selection and the successional gradient of a forest grass. Canadian Journal of Botany. 64:734-738.
Bliss M.  1986.  The morphology, fertility and chromosomes of Mimulus glabratus var. michiganensis and M. glabratus var. fremontii (Schrophulariaceae). The American Midlands Naturalist. 116:125-131.
Stewart PM, Smith EP, Pratt JR, McCormick PV, Jr. JCairns.  1986.  Multivariate analysis of protist communities in lentic systems. Journal of Protozoology. 33:152-156.
Jolls CL, Hatley CL.  1986.  Nectar content differences between the genders of the bladder campion, Silene vulgaris. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin. 33:50(Abstr.
Briggs GM, Gates DM, Jurik TW.  1986.  Non-stomatal limitation of CO2 assimilation in three tree species during natural drought conditions. Physiologia Plantarum. 66:521-526.
Stein MF.  1986.  Parental care and offspring competition in Tree Swallows. Master of Science:44pp..
Blumer LSteven.  1986.  Parental care sex differences in the brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus (Pisces, Ictaluridae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 19:97-104.
Tyrrell L.E.  1986.  Patterns of biomass allocation in Lycopus americanus and L. uniflorus (Lamiaceae). The Ohio Academy of Science. 86:4.
Scheiner SM, Teeri JA.  1986.  Phenotypic flexibility and genetic adaptation along a gradient of secondary forest succession in the grass Danthonia spicata. Canadian Journal of Botany. 64:739-747.
C. Hellquist B, Crow GE.  1986.  Potamogeton xhaynesii (Potamogetonaceae), a new species from northeastern North America. Brittonia. 38:415-419.
Roberts MRichard, Hruska AJ.  1986.  Predicting diameter distributions: a test of the stationary Markov model. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 16:130-135.