Research Bibliography

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Schmid AV, Vogel CS, Liebman E, Curtis PS, Gough CM.  2016.  Coarse woody debris and the carbon balance of a moderately disturbed forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 361:38-45.
Howey MCL, Sullivan FB, Tallant J, Kopple RVande, Palace MW.  2016.  Detecting Precontact Anthropogenic Microtopographic Features in a Forested Landscape with Lidar: A Case Study from the Upper Great Lakes Region, AD 1000-1600. PLOS ONE. 11:e0162062.
Ibáñez I, McCarthy-Neumann S.  2016.  Effects of mycorrhizal fungi on tree seedling growth: quantifying the parasitism–mutualism transition along a light gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 46:48-57.
Fahey RT, Stuart-Haëntjens EJ, Gough CM, De La Cruz A, Stockton E, Vogel CS, Curtis PS.  2016.  Evaluating forest subcanopy response to moderate severity disturbance and contribution to ecosystem-level productivity and resilience. Forest Ecology and Management. 376:135-147.
Katz DSW, Ibáñez I.  2016.  Foliar damage beyond species distributions is partly explained by distance dependent interactions with natural enemies. Ecology. (9):2331-2341.
Moore PA.  2016.  The Hidden Power of Smell: How Chemicals Influence Our Lives and Behavior.
Howey MCL, Frederick K.  2016.  Immovable food storage facilities, knowledge, and landscape in non-sedentary societies: Perspectives from northern Michigan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 42:37-55.
Baroudi RHassan, Pelini S.  2016.  Interactive Effects of Litter Quality and Invertebrates on Litter Decomposition Rates Across a Successional Gradient.
Melaas EK, Sulla-Menashe D, Gray JM, Black AT, Morin TH, Richardson AD, Friedl MA.  2016.  Multisite analysis of land surface phenology in North American temperate and boreal deciduous forests from Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment. 186:452-464.
Santos F., Nadelhoffer K., Bird J.A.  2016.  Rapid fine root C and N mineralization in a northern temperate forest soil. Biogeochemistry. (1-24):187-200.
Cheng SJ.  2016.  Shedding Light on Photosynthesis: The Impacts of Atmospheric Conditions and Plant Canopy Structure on Ecosystem Carbon Uptake. :145.
Lawrence BA, Bourke K, Lishawa SC, Tuchman NC.  2016.  Typha invasion associated with reduced aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in northern Lake Huron coastal wetlands. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42:1412-1419.
Dority D, J. Price J, Pruett-Jones S.  2016.  Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers ( Sphyrapicus varius) alter sap well locations in response to experimentally induced tree damage. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128:619-623.
Dority D.  2016.  Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius) alter sap well locations in response to experimentally induced tree damage. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128
Walls JM, Eustice RM.  2015.  An Architecture for Cooperative Localization Underwater Acoustic Networkds. :1-5.
Freedman ZB, Zak DR.  2015.  Atmospheric N deposition alters connectance, but not functional potential among saprotrophic bacterial communities. Molecular Ecology. 24:3170-3180.
Bichucher V, Walls JM, Ozog P, Skinner KA, Eustice RM.  2015.  Bathymetric Factor Graph SLAM with Sparse Point Cloud Alignment. :1-7.
Kraus-Epley KE, Lahman SE, Moore PA.  2015.  Behaviorally-selective chemoreceptor lesions reveal two different chemically mediated orientation strategies in the rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 35:753-762.
Francoeur SN, Pillsbury RW, Lowe RL.  2015.  Benthic algal response to invasive mussels in Saginaw Bay: a comparison of historical and recent data. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. :1-15.
Lishawa SC, Lawrence BA, Albert DA, Tuchman NC.  2015.  Biomass harvest of invasive Typha promotes plant diversity in a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Restoration Ecology. :1-10.
Rush SA, Pekarik C, Weseloh D.V, Cuthbert FJ, Moore D, Wires LR.  2015.  Changes in heron and egret populations on the Laurentian Great Lakes and connecting channels, 1977-2009. Avian Conservation and Ecology.
Moore PA, Ferrante PA, Bergner JL.  2015.  Chemical Orientation Strategies of the Crayfish are Influenced by the Hydrodynamics of their Native Environment. The American Midland Naturalist. 173:17-29.
Moore P.A., Ferrante PA, Bergner JL.  2015.  Chemical Orientation Strategies of the Crayfish are Influenced by the Hydrodynamics of their Native Environment. The American Midland Naturalist. 173(1):17-29.
Saunders SP, Cuthbert FJ.  2015.  Chick mortality leads to male-biased sex ratios in endangered Great Lakes Piping Plovers. Journal of Field Ornithology. 86:103-114.
Paschalis A, Fatichi S, Katul GG, Ivanov VY.  2015.  Cross-scale impact of climate temporal variability on ecosystem water and carbon fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. :n/a-n/a.