Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Nave LE, Nadelhoffer KJ, Moine JM, Diepen LTA, Cooch JK, Van Dyke NJ.  2013.  Nitrogen Uptake by Trees and Mycorrhizal Fungi in a Successional Northern Temperate Forest: Insights from Multiple Isotopic Methods. Ecosystems. 16:590-603.
Lishawa SC, Treering D.J, Vail LM, McKenna O, Grimm EC, Tuchman NCrandall.  2013.  Reconstructing plant invasions using historical aerial imagery and pollen core analysis: Typha in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Diversity and Distributions. 19:14-28.
Brudney LJ, Arnold TW, Saunders SP, Cuthbert FJ.  2013.  Survival of Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) chicks in the Great Lakes region. The Auk. 130:150-160.
Gough CM, Hardiman BS, Nave L, Bohrer G, Maurer KD, Vogel CS, Nadelhoffer KJ, Curtis PS.  2013.  Sustained carbon uptake and storage following moderate disturbance in a Great Lakes forest. Ecological Applications. 23:1205-1215.
He L, Ivanov VY, Bohrer G, Thomsen JE, Vogel CS, Moghaddam M.  2013.  Temporal dynamics of soil moisture in a northern temperate mixed successional forest after a prescribed intermediate disturbance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 180:22-33.
Freedman Z, Eisenlord SD, Zak DR, Xue K, He Z, Zhou J.  2013.  Towards a molecular understanding of N cycling in northern hardwood forests under future rates of N deposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 66:130-138.
Price JJ, Crawford CL.  2013.  Use and characteristics of two singing modes in Pine Warblers. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 125:552-561.
Grant M, ROBISON ANDREW, Fincke OM.  2013.  Use of stable isotopes to assess the intraspecific foraging niche of males and female colour morphs of the damselfly Enallagma hageni. Ecological Entomology.
Melaas EK, Richardson AD, Friedl MA, Dragoni D, Gough CM, Herbst M, Montagnani L, Moors E.  2013.  Using FLUXNET data to improve models of springtime vegetation activity onset in forest ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 171-172:46-56.
Talhelm AF, Pregitzer KS, Burton AJames, Zak DR.  2012.  Air pollution and the changing biogeochemistry of northern forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. :110622071548013.
Larkin DJ, Lishawa SC, Tuchman NC.  2012.  Appropriation of nitrogen by the invasive cattail Typha×glauca. Aquatic Botany. 100:62-66.
Toma S., Bertman S..  2012.  The atmospheric potential of biogenic volatile organic compounds from needles of white pine (Pinus strobus) in Northern Michigan. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12:2245-2252.
Davis CC, Gunn M, C. Hellquist E.  2012.  The Botanical Teaching Legacy of Edward G. Voss at the University of Michigan Biological Station. The Michigan Botanist. 51:32-41.
Thomas DC, Zak DR, Filley TR.  2012.  Chronic N deposition does not apparently alter the biochemical composition of forest floor and soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 54:7-13.
Pratt K.A, Mielke L.H, Shepson P.B, Bryan A.M, Steiner A.L, Ortega J., Daly R., Helmig D., Vogel C.S, Griffith S. et al..  2012.  Contributions of individual reactive biogenic volatile organic compounds to organic nitrates above a mixed forest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12:10125-10143.
Edwards G.D, Martins D.K, Starn T., Pratt K., Shepson P.B.  2012.  A disjunct eddy accumulation system for the measurement of BVOC fluxes: instrument characterizations and field deployment. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 5:2115-2132.
Eisenlord SD, Zak DR, Upchurch RA.  2012.  Dispersal limitation and the assembly of soil Actinobacteria communities in a long-term chronosequence. Ecology and Evolution. 2:538-549.
Edburg S.L, Stock D., Lamb B.K, Patton E.G.  2012.  The Effect of the Vertical Source Distribution on Scalar Statistics within and above a Forest Canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 142:365-382.
Havens K, Jolls CL, Marik JE, Vitt P, A. McEachern K, Kind D..  2012.  Effects of a non-native biocontrol weevil, Larinus planus, and other emerging threats on populations of the federally threatened Pitcher’s thistle, Cirsium pitcheri. Biological Conservation. 155:202-211.
Garrity SR, Meyer K, Maurer KD, Hardiman B, Bohrer G.  2012.  Estimating plot-level tree structure in a deciduous forest by combining allometric equations, spatial wavelet analysis and airborne LiDAR. Remote Sensing Letters. 3:443-451.
Sprintsin M, Chen JM, Desai AR, Gough CM.  2012.  Evaluation of leaf-to-canopy upscaling methodologies against carbon flux data in North America. Journal of Geophysical Research. 117:17.
Hillman M.D., Karpanty S.M., Fraser J.D, Cuthbert FJean, Altman JM, Borneman TE, Derose-Wilson A.  2012.  Evidence of Long-distance Dispersal and Successful Interpopulation Breeding of the Endangered Piping Plover. Waterbirds. 35:642-644.
Saunders SP, Roche EA, Arnold TW, Cuthbert FJean.  2012.  Female site familiarity increases fledging success in piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). The Auk. 129:329-337.
Voss EG, Reznicek A.A.  2012.  Field Manual of Michigan Flora. :‘1-990.