File name: unlinked_master_spreadsheet Project: UMBS REU Project, Population growth of Aphis nerii under elevated CO2, Summer 2015 Data purpose: compilation of all data for data analysis Any flaws in data: -look to aphid_populations sheet about whether a plant with a complete dieoff was replanted with aphids on day 1 (1 day off of its temporal block) or day 2 (group 4) of the experiment. -slope: this is the output from linear regression of the each plant with ln_pop as the dependant variable and day as the independant variable. p values >0.05 are highlighted in yellow. -latex: this records the weight of 2 cm paper latex disks used to collect exuded latex from the 6 punched holes taken from each leaf for cardenolide analysis. Disks were dried and weighed before being used to collect exuded latex. Afterwards, disks were dried and re-weighed. - phosphorus:1. Tissue analyzed is as accurate as possible from the balence, but actual mass may be less since some plant tissue may have been lost in transfer from weigh paper to pyrex tube. 2. pH may be a little high as the pH meter took a long time to stabilize and final value read may be an approximation of actual value. 3. Some tubes contained larger volumes than others when dilluted. This resulted in different amounts of acid in the dillution and thus, different pH. Samples with a pH <1.3 had 6 M NaOH added in the approximate amount given in the uL_NaOH_needed column, although this is a rough approximation. - Plant size: The location where plant diameter was approx. 17 mm from the base of the plant, but because of the deepots and the calipers, this was imprecise. Thus, the data showing the change in plant diameter is not a good measure of horizontal plant growth. Variable definitions: plant_ID_long: plant tag given on each deepot to identify each plant. C=chamber number, P= plant number.species cham_num: chamber number (odd = elevated, even = ambient) plant_num: arbitrarily assigned plant number. Within each chamber, speciosa plant number is the same as the chamber numner. Syriaca plant number is chamber number + 40. plant_sp: plant species atm: atmosphere of the chamber CN_mass: (mg) mass of the sample in C:N analysis. mg_C: mg of carbon in C:N sample mg_N: mg of nitrogen in C:N sample pcent C: percent carbon in C:N sample (calculated from mg values) pcent_N: percent nitrogen in C:N sample (calculated from mg values) d13C: (delta values) difference of carbon 13 isotopes in sample from international standard d15N: (delta values) difference of nitrogen 15 isotopes in sample from international standard CN_mol: molar ratio between carbon and nitrogen in sample wet_wgt: (g) wet weight of 6 fresh leaf disks dry_wgt: (g) dry weight of 6 leaf disks after being oven dried at 65 C for 48 hours pcent_wtr: percent water content (leaf_wtr)/(wet_wgt) leaf_wtr: (g) amount of water in leaf disks, calculated from difference between wet and dry leaf weight pcent_wtr: (%) percent foliar water, calculated: (wet weight - dry weight)/wet weight latex: (mg) amount of latex exuded from 6 punched leaf disks. Calculated from difference in weight between paper disk with and without dried, exuded latex. plant_con: plant condition on 6/24/2015, before plant chemistry was taken. Arbitrary rating system, where 1 = good condition, 2= average condition, 3= poor condition. initial_hgt: (cm) initial height of plants when placed in chamber array final_hgt: (cm) final height of plants before having plant chemistry taken (6/24/2015) growth_hgt: (cm) amount plant grew over course of being exposed to CO2; calculated from difference between intial and final height. rgr_hgt: rate of growth for height = (growth_hgt)/(initial_hgt) initial_diam: (mm) initial stem diameter of plant final_diam: (mm) final stem diameter of plant growth_diam: (mm) difference between final and initial stem diameter rgr_diam: rate of growth of diameter = (growth_diam)/(initial_diam) initial_leaves: number of leaves on plant when origially placed in chamber array final_leaves: number of leaves on plant when plant chemisty was taken (6/24/2015) leaf_change: number of leaves grown or lost while in chamber rgr_leaves: rate of leaf growth = (leaf change)/(initial leaf) p_rfa: amount of phosphorus in plant samples as autoanalyzer output percent_p: percent phosphorus in leaves r_estab: rate of establishment, calculated as =ln(aphid population day 2/ aphid population day 1). Note that this number does not include plants that had populations reestablished the next day due to complete dieoff. die_off: denotes whether the plant hosted a complete dieoff of aphids within the first 2 days of the experiment. These plants had 10 more aphids planted on them, of which that day represents day 1 of the experiment. pop_weight: weight of final aphid populations. calculated = (final_tube_weight)-(initial_tube_weight) ants: classifies whether ants were ever found on the plant (determine from field notes) final_pop: number of aphids found on plant on final day of counting (day 7). aphid_dispersion: the number of non-contiguous aphid colonies. The number of individual aphids or groups of aphids occuring without direct contact with another group. leaves_enclosed: number of leaves enclosed in net at end of experiment pop_density: calculated weighted measure of aphid density at end of experiment by weighting the number of aphids total by their dispersion and the number of leaves the plant had. calculated = (final_pop)/(aphid_dispersion * leaves enclosed). lateral_buds: number of lateral buds on the plant when the experiment concluded fungus: whether fungus was present on honeydew at the end of the experment y_int: y intercept (b) slope: slope of the least squares linear regression line for each plant. slope_cat:category of the slope, postive (p) (slope > 0) or negative (n) (slope <= 0) p_slope: p value of the slope calculation slope_sig: category of whether the slope calculation is statistically significant. y= p<0.05, n=p>= 0.05. r_square: coefficient of determination (the percentage of the response variable variation that is explained by a linear model) lcard_1: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 20-22% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_2: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 24-25% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_3: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 28-29% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_4: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 32% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_5: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 36% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_6: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 39% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_7: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 51% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_8: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 53% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides lcard_9: (mg card / g sample) leaf cardenolide with retention time of 68-69% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides total_lcard: (mg card/ g sample) summation of all leaf cardenolides in each plant. lcard: binomial analysis - yes = some cardenolide, no = no cardenolide in plant acard_1: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 20-22% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_2: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 24-25% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_3: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 28-29% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_4: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 32% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_5: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 36% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_6: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 39% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_7: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 51% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_8: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 53% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides acard_9: (mg card / g sample) aphid cardenolide with retention time of 68-69% (adjusted time to digitoxin elution), Symmetric peaks with absorption maxima between 216 and 222 were accepted as cardenolides total_acard: (mg card / g sample) summation of all cardenolides in aphid population acard: binomial analysis - yes = some cardenolide, no = no cardenolide in aphid population trichomes: average number of trichomes in a leaf disk square under a 4X dissecting microscope