Research Bibliography
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Effect of measurement CO2 concentration on sugar maple root respiration. Tree Physiology. 17:421-427.
1997. .
1997. Effects of elevated CO2 and light availability on the photosynthetic light response of trees of contrasting shade tolerance. Tree Physiology. 16:351-358.
1996. Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and leaf litter chemistry: influences on microbial respiration and net nitrogen mineralization. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60:1571-1577.
1996. Fine root respiration in northern hardwood forests in relation to temperature and nitrogen availability. Tree Physiology. 16:719-725.
1996. Latitudinal variation in sugar maple fine root respiration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:1761-1768.
1996. Linking above- and belowground responses to rising CO2 in northern deciduous forest species. Carbon Dioxide and Terrestrial Ecosystems. :41-51.
1996. Nitrate deposition in northern hardwood forests and the nitrogen metabolism of Acer saccharum Marsh. Oecologia. 108:338-344.
1996. Soil microbial communities beneath Populus grandidentata grown under elevated atmospheric CO2. Ecological Applications. 6:257-262.
1996. Atmospheric CO2, soil nitrogen and turnover of fine roots. New Phytologist. 129:579-585.
1995. Height growth of advance regeneration under an even-aged bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) overstory. The American Midlands Naturalist. 134:166-175.
1995. Interacting effects of soil fertility and atmospheric CO2 on leaf area growth and carbon gain physiology in Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier. New Phytologist. 129:253-263.
1995. Temperature effects on kinetics of microbial respiration and net nitrogen and sulfur mineralization. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59:233-240.
1995. Variability in early height growth rate of forest trees: implications for retrospective studies of stand dynamics. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 25:767-776.
1995. Above- and belowground response of Populus grandidentata to elevated atmospheric CO2 and soil N availability. Plant and Soil. 165:45-51.
1994. Belowground responses to rising atmospheric CO2: implications for plants, soil biota and ecosystem processes. Plant and Soil. 165:1-6.
1994. Studying the effects of air pollution on forest along exposure gradients: experiences in the United States and opportunities for cooperation. Climate and Atmospheric Deposition Studies in Forests. :109-115.
1994. White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: influences on post-disturbance white pine population structure. Forest Ecology and Management. 67:191-201.
1994. The demography of fine roots in response to patches of water and nitrogen. New Phytologist. 125:575-580.
1993. Elevated atmospheric CO2 and feedback between carbon and nitrogen cycles. Plant and Soil. 151:105-117.
1993. Foliar nutrients in sugar maple forests along a regional pollution-climate gradient. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 57:1619-1628.
1993. The repeatability of stem exclusion during even-aged development of bigtooth aspen dominated forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 23:1156-1168.
1993. The vertical development of early successional forests in northern Michigan, USA. Ecology. 81:271-285.
1993. A comparison of presettlement and present-day forests on two bigtooth aspen-dominated landscapes in northern Lower Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 127:327-338.
1992. Foliar sulfur and nitrogen along an 800-km pollution gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22:1761-1769.